Thursday, August 11, 2005

DJ Underworld

Wellcome to this corner of Lithium and Limes [Ezquizoooo]!!!! (I read this from "Apocalipse Culture").

This corner will be about many things, and nothing really. This corner is to writte little text for stories that the wind should take ...  So, lets dance !!!...

Well I have other blogs, but they are all in spanish.
This one, will be written in ENGLISH.

For that, in advance, I apologyze for my lousy grammar and writting.

Please send me notes about my mistakes. For that I will Be giving O-Points . JAJAJA the O is for Opium. JAJAJA, that are worth nothing.... so no comments on that... JAJAJA

This blog offically is open, in the corner of the Milky Way - in the WEB....


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