Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Opus 2.0

Within the realm of the dying sun.
A religious kult is born to bring a fake peace, for the times to come.
Soon, there are millions.
The time is coming.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

OPUS 3.0 : First encounters

- Booooooriiiing- I said.
- Yep... Why? - He replaid.
- ?? -I inquired, I really expected something, anything, so I answer.
- Well, you see that beauty over there?...- As I pointed a group of young.
-Yep...- He did not exchanged a lot of information then.
- She is my best friend. The usal dorks are arround her- They keep smiling and chatting.
- Im here because of her- Sudenly all seem so far ...
The first time I Talked with Air Steel, we have a nice chat. A chat about nothing. I enjoyed that.

-It's raining ...-
-Shit...- I was as usual, waiting for my ride.
I saw a couple of eyes before reciving a kiss in the rain, in the night.
The first time I saw Steel Kruzz she was kissing a man. In the rain, as I waited. I could not forget those eyes.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Opus 1.0
The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing knowledge
Albert Einstein

I had friends, enemies, acquaintances, soldiers and toys. You can see it in the scars of the ones that were important for me... once...

FANTASY vs LOGIC… the fuel of the world…

 It’s been a long time since those days... Many years before the wars, the four of us were friends, there was no doubt about our friendship. There were only us for the good times and only us for the bad times. And how naive we were...

But now we have been apart. You see friendship is a delicate bound that needs loyalty to feed from.


River Eyes and Fire Kitten were recluted by the Magic Forces, by consequence.
And, Air Steel and Air Kruzze were merged to The Logic Structure, by choice.

No buts!!!!!... Only Today...

We friends had to stay apart because of the choices we make...

Air Kruzze is the oldest one... and the first to be recluted.... The Loyal of the four.
Air Steel is the youngest one... and in love of Fire Kitten.... The Intense of the four.
River Eyes is the defender of the faith... and the traitor.... The Wizard of the four.
And Fire kitten came from a far kingdom... and the most confused ...The Creator of the four.

Now you understand... The friends had to stay apart... because there are a lot of possibilities if they stay together....

Thursday, August 11, 2005

DJ Underworld

Wellcome to this corner of Lithium and Limes [Ezquizoooo]!!!! (I read this from "Apocalipse Culture").

This corner will be about many things, and nothing really. This corner is to writte little text for stories that the wind should take ...  So, lets dance !!!...

Well I have other blogs, but they are all in spanish.
This one, will be written in ENGLISH.

For that, in advance, I apologyze for my lousy grammar and writting.

Please send me notes about my mistakes. For that I will Be giving O-Points . JAJAJA the O is for Opium. JAJAJA, that are worth nothing.... so no comments on that... JAJAJA

This blog offically is open, in the corner of the Milky Way - in the WEB....